I purchased two Dragonface Pipefish on January 25th from Liveaquaria. They arrived with no issues. I originally bought them to control Red Bugs. These are great fish and they are very interesting to watch. They instantly paired up and always hang out together. Like Mandarins they won't eat what is introduced to he tank. They'll only eat what they find on the live rock. My Mandarin has gotten nice and fat so I figured it was worth a try.
Unfortunately, one of the Pipefish has gone missing over the last few days. These guys always hung out together and now the survivor is alone. Maybe one got too close to my anemone. I also have a lot of stinging LPS corals whch are not recommended for a safe Pipefish environment. After more than a month in the tank I was starting to get more positive about the chances of survival for these fish.
I never have seen the Pipefish go after the Red Bugs. Even if they don't tese are really cool fish for a mature tank. If the surviving fish lives a few more months I'm going to try another one.
dreams of snow pond...
14 years ago